Home is where the heart is// Brisbane family photographer

Since I have been married, Sam and I have lived in 7 homes and we have given them each a nickname starting with The Cottage, The Terrace (a terrace house in Newtown Sydney), The Tree House, The Barn, The Suburban, The Bunker and now we have finally bought our own home on the Gold Coast a year ago. We haven’t named this one yet, a home usually gets a name when we leave. But what I am really getting at is that all homes are places where memories are made and stories can be told about in the future. When I do an in-home session we usually sneak out the front to take a couple of photos. It may seem a little strange but one day that front door wont just be a door that you walk in and out of everyday but it will be the ‘first moved in together door, the door that your first baby was brought into, the door that your pram went in and out of, the door that had shoes piled up in as you welcomed people into your home, the door that held the morning school rush’… you get the idea. It’s like that old sentiment ‘you don’t know what you’ve got until its gone.’

These homes are just walls and windows but they are the walls and windows that help to tell your story. The story of Matt and Karina’s family in this character filled Queenslander are coming to an end and they are getting ready to create a new home with new memories and this beautiful house will become that for a new family. If I’m being honest when I look around my home a lot of the time I just see laundry that needs to be put away, bins that need to be emptied, endless amounts of crafts/drawings that need to find a home, weeds that seem to grow in the blink of an eye. But for my kids they don’t see those things (sometimes I wish they would) they see the comfy lounge which they can turn into a fort, the kitchen that has the mysterious snack cupboard, the garden that is filled with bugs that always need to be brought inside and made into a pet only to die hours later by over excited curious fingers. This session has helped me to put things into perspective, I was reminded to stop and reflect on how special homes can be. You might not love your home and there are things that may really frustrate you about it, trust me our last home didn’t get the name ‘The bunker’ for no reason. But in amongst it all there are moments of joy and memories to be cherished.

If you are ever interested in a family session in the comfort of your home just let me know.

Sal Xx

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